Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jaago Blogger Jaago!

This article doesn't belongs to an incident from my first 25 years life. However......

I debated long, on what the first few words of my experience should be. And then I knew. Though this is not a fairy tale, I will still make it sound like one.

Once upon a time, though not very long ago, there was, in Hyderabad, a province named Hotel Fortune Select Manohar. Like all kingdoms, it had a service provider called UniverCell who was chosen by the cream of 150 Bloggers from Hyderabad, after UniverCell promised them a fun filled event, a social network gathering of the like minded people, an opportunity to share, narrate, boast, flaunt or project their professional and personal interests through blogs. And very soon, a proclamation was rolled out. It contained the details of the meet, agenda etc.

And it happened! On a hot afternoon, all the bloggers assembled in the province. The ministers who organized the event welcomed the Bloggers and the celebrations had begun. A hilarious ChitraPradarshan (Video) was shown to the bloggers! Later, Each one of those 150 bloggers spoke about their blogging interests that included the whys, hows whens wheres etc.

When it was the turn of a guy named Mastbuddhi to speak( Read: ME) he picked up the mic and told the assembly that he was not nervous to speak in a Public Forum like this, because it was a bloggers forum and not a Matrimonial! This evoked laughter amongst the subjects. He also spoke about his blog, which he likes to pep with lots and lots of Nostalgia, that include stories form the good old days of his life, and also some memorable incidents . He has found a passionate way to tell his stories and he calls it Blogging!

Mastbuddhi also happened to meet many interesting people of his own kingdom, some who maintained as many as 50 blogs and others who blog without any purpose. From Linguistics to Filmmakers, from Students to Geeks, from Fashion Designers to Freelancers, and from Sincere Husbands to retired gentlemen, this forum had it all. What caught the attention of Mastbuddhi was that zeal the bloggers carried out throughout the event. Then , there was this ChaturRaja
(Read: Riyaz) who organized Yakshaprashna (quiz) for his subjects. And those Prashnas were kinda too tough for Mastbuddhi who felt he was gradually losing all his Buddhi.

Finally after a series of discussions, debates, acquaintances, photo shoots and murmurs, the bloggers were presented an attractive T shirt that most of them will, undoubtedly, consider it as a souvenir.

As the event slowly marched its way to closure, All the bloggers hopped from one leg to another and screamed-

" We Blog, Therefore we are"!

And they all continued to Blog Happily ever After!!