Saturday, May 3, 2008

KAUSHIK- The Man of Masses

Hmm let me recollect...Yes, It was one fine summer evening in on to know what happened..

Hey fatso! Try and climb up here! Babbu said these words and chuckled. Standing in front of us was a guy in Red shirt. He looked up angrily. My! Babbu had a nerve to say that! Because I wouldn't have dared to say that to a HUGE, but 11 year old boyish personality! What the fuck you mean? Haan? Roared the guy in Red shirt. Who is he? I asked Babbu.

Kaushik, the fatso! replied Babbu, and deliberately added an adjective after his name. The game that we were playing involved us to climb a wall and jump into the sand. Kaushik was plump boy and one would clearly think twice before speaking with him. Motu ko deewar par chadna nahi aata! Babbu mocked again. Next, I anticipated a fight between Kaushik and Babbu. Babbu was a
brat among our friends and I thought even if it creates a scene, I shouldn't be surprised. I was zapped again! Probably, Babbu thought Kaushik could never get hold of him. Babbu knew Kaushik as they studied in same school. And I was watching this mockery war from a safe distance. You rascal! How dare you? You think you can escape? Come down and I'd show you. Kaushik screamed.

The boiling point had reached in Kaushik. I was sure he would hammer Babbu's ass. And I too wanted Kaushik to teach him a lesson. Babbu was the certified brat of our colony and very notorious of getting himself into difficult situations. Somehow Kaushik managed to get hold of Babbu, kicked and shoved him into that sand and next gave him one tight slap that could ring a bell in the ears. He pushed him straight , held him by his neck and threw him on the sand. Seemed like a david and goliath fight, babbu was as helpless as he could be! I thought of course he'd can a puny man stand against an elephant?

The scuffle quickly ended and forced Babbu to run. And, of course Kaushik became my hero. Finally there was someone who can settle scores very easily. I mustered some courage and approached Kaushik. He was dusting the sand that went into his shirt. Bravo! You did the right thing man! "Hey Shyam, don't you think he was too good?" Shyam, another friend of mine who was as dark as a crow nodded his head. His nod perhaps meant that it's normal for Kaushik. What that does Chaar khandol think of himself? He thinks I can't play this game or what? Eh! Kaushik muttered.

Chaar khandol - an offensive word, was a name given to anyone who wore spectacles. And it created many fights between the young boys of our colony. Guys wearing spectacles considered it as an insult at the mention of this word. Babbu was a bright chap in studies and spoke reasonably good English. But he was equally dim in his vision and unreasonable with his acts.

However, that was my first encounter with Kaushik. A burly lad who knew nothing about me earlier went ahead and became one of the finest friends I and we ever had. From a burly lad to the beardy man today, Kaushik still speaks about the good ol days.

The Dude is just right for anyone who wants to have a long lasting friendship. He breathes a new life into friendship. I have seen him grow over years and the way he connects to people is amazing! He was my savior on many occasions. And for the rest, he is always a popular hero or chieftain or a sheriff or wahetver words and traits you may want to associate for a leader. If there is one thing I'd like to steal from this chap, that would be his PR. He simply rocks. Whatever has been said or talked about him is not inadvertent.

There is a reason to write about this gentleman in my blog. Without any exaggeration, one day, I want to see him as the chief minister of the state! And so it shall be written and so it shall be done!

© All rights reserved with Abhishek Naini. No form of this may be reproduced without prior permission from the author.

1 Comentário:

Unknown said...

Hey Hi Abhishek.....what ever you have written about Kaushik is so true......but i guess you forgot to write the amazing talent that he has " His Dance......" ,man i tell you people really go crazy about that and i am one among them.
He is a wonderful person and i am really proud of him.And i wish him all the very best in his life.

Sirisha Ganti.